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The story of Teddy Bear 

Teddy Bear Teddy Bear Teddy Bear Teddy Bear

In 1902 the world's first teddy bear was invented in Germany by Richard Steiff under the name of "Bear 55 PB" (55 - centimeters standing, Plüche - Plop, Beweglich - Mobile), a teddy bear with movable legs and arms. Richard Steiff created the design of the famous teddy bear as he was part of the current company "Margarete Steiff GmbH" at the time, and was also the grandson of the founder Margarete Steiff. 

Margarete Steiff, the founder of the company of the same name, was a seamstress who suffered from polio as a child, a disease that left her at 18 months of age with paralysis in both legs and pain in her right hand. This did not prevent her from learning tailoring and even opening her own shop in 1877, at the age of 30. Slowly, slowly she also began to sew children's toys in various animal shapes. 

In 1897, the company was joined by his nephew Richard Steiff, creator of the teddy bear, who was born 5 years later, in 1902.

In March 1903 at a toy fair in Leipzig, an American retailer bought 3,000 pieces, and the teddy bear quickly became a bestseller in the United States. 

In 1906, US President Theodore Roosevelt refused to shoot a helpless, tethered bear during a hunting party. As a result, he was portrayed in the Washington Post by cartoonist Cliffort Berryman, alongside a bear cub. This was the best advertisement for Teddy Bear.

Thus, the "55 PB" teddy bear will henceforth be known as "Teddy Bear", named after US President Theodore Roosevelt, whose nickname was "Teddy".

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