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What do you use to get lanolin stains out of clothes?

What do you use to get lanolin stains out of clothes?

What is lanolin?

Lanolin is a substance of animal origin, obtained from the purification of fats collected from sheep wool. Pure lanolin is helpful to young mothers during the breastfeeding period, when sores appear around the nipples. It is non-toxic and does not require washing before breastfeeding. Medela's Lansinoh and Purelan creams are the best known brands of breast creams with lanolin.

Lanolin stains did not come out with regular detergent or Vanish

As a new mother, I used it in the maternity ward immediately after the birth of both boys, lanolin cream from Lansinoh. Every first sucking experience was in my case followed by raging and blood galore. And on my second boy, not being careful to wear and nursing bra so I can attach breast padsI've been walking cotton nursing nightdresswith lanolin...

And unfortunately, the stains on the shirt in the breast area proved to be extremely "stubborn", they didn't come out in the first phase even after washing with regular detergent, nor after the shirt was kept soaking for days and hand scrubbed or machine washed with Vanish and Fairy.

With what I removed the lanolin stains

After my nursing nightgown became compromised in the front with a few grease stains, after all the trying and using several cleaning substances, one of the girls who was helping me clean the house after I gave birth happened to use Asevi degreaser in the kitchen. I was deeply impressed with this product, which seems to have a newer grease-removing formula, because it successfully removed years-old oil and grease stains from tile grout in the kitchen.

On closer inspection, glancing at the Asevi degreaser product label, I also noticed a picture of clothes. I then thought I'd make one last attempt to get the lanolin stains out of my beloved burgundy red cotton nursing shirt. And my efforts and attempts were finally rewarded by Asevi's degreasing solution. I finally got the lanolin stains out with Asevi degreasing solution!

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